Rainfall prediction for the rainy season in Cuba

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Julio Enrique Rojas Cantero
Beatriz Bello García
Aldo Saturnino Moya Álvarez


Rainfall forecasts are of great importance to prevent disasters, economic losses in crops and several important aspects for the country's hydroeconomy, hence the need to develop rainfall prediction models. At the Villa Clara Provincial Meteorological Center (CMPVC), mathematical models with a high level of accuracy are used, but they require a lot of processing time. Hence, the need to look for more current and accurate, ways to make accurate rainfall forecasts but in a faster way. The progress of artificial intelligence and especially artificial neural networks have allowed the development of models to solve the problem of rainfall prediction; using the metrics provided by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) from 1975 to 2016. In this work, an analysis of the different regression models with multiple outputs to predict rainfall is carry out in the months of May, June, July and August. The regression models that best fit this problem were linear regression, regression tree, k-nearest neighbors, direct regression, chained regression and multilayer perceptron. After running the models, the multilayer perceptron was the regression model with the best results, with a high degree of efficiency for rainfall forecasting.


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How to Cite
Rojas CanteroJ. E., Bello GarcíaB., & Moya ÁlvarezA. S. (2024). Rainfall prediction for the rainy season in Cuba. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 30(2), https://cu-id.com/2377/v30n2e02. Retrieved from http://rcm.insmet.cu/index.php/rcm/article/view/867
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