State of the climate in Cuba 2023. Extended summary.

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Cecilia Fonseca Rivera
Anabel García Hernández
Beatriz Velázquez Zaldívar
Daisladys Gómez de la Maza Santana
Marilee Martínez Álvarez
Idelmis González García
Virgen Cutié Cancino
Ranses Vázquez Montenegro
Ramón Pérez Suárez
Ida Mitrani Arenal
Axel Hidalgo Mayo
Javier Cabrales Infante
Laura Leyva Pit
Eileen González Fraguela


This report analyzes the main indicators that characterize Cuba's climate as well as some factors that regulate its variability in the region. Also included are some of the extreme weather and climate phenomena that have a high impact in Cuba. Variables such as temperature and rainfall are particularly important. As the main climate modulating factor, although it is not the only one, the behavior of the El Niño - Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event during 2023 is included. All information is referred to the standard climatological normal from 1991 to 2020, making it possible to compare recent or current observations as well as calculate the deviations or anomalies of a value with respect to that reference value. However, sometimes the period 1961-1990 is used, recommended by the WMO (2017) to evaluate long-term temperature changes, and in the case of bioclimatic conditions, the historical periods 1981-2010 was used.


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Fonseca RiveraC., García HernándezA., Velázquez ZaldívarB., de la Maza SantanaD. G., Martínez ÁlvarezM., González GarcíaI., Cutié CancinoV., Vázquez MontenegroR., Pérez SuárezR., Mitrani ArenalI., Hidalgo MayoA., Cabrales InfanteJ., Leyva PitL., & González FraguelaE. (2024). State of the climate in Cuba 2023. Extended summary. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 30(1), Retrieved from
Weather and Climate


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