Impact of tropical cyclones in the physical-geographic district of Havana-Matanzas. Period 2000-2020

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Sheyla Pérez Rodríguez
Miguel A. Porres García
Juan Manuel Fernández Lorenzo


Tropical cyclones are the most impactful meteorological events in the geographic area of the North Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea, and the Gulf of Mexico. They occur randomly during the hurricane season, which spans from June 1st to November 30th. While there is abundant literature on the mostly negative impacts of tropical cyclones, there is less focus on the benefits they bring and the rainfall contributions of each tropical cyclone in each season. This study aims to describe the impact of tropical cyclones in the physical-geographic district of La Habana-Matanzas during the period 2000-2020. This involved consulting various sources such as newspapers, journals, scientific reports, documents from Civil Defense, and personal interviews. Additionally, the daily rainfall data from selected meteorological stations were collected to quantify the rainfall contributed by tropical cyclones.


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How to Cite
Pérez RodríguezS., Porres GarcíaM. A., & Fernández LorenzoJ. M. (2024). Impact of tropical cyclones in the physical-geographic district of Havana-Matanzas. Period 2000-2020. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 30(1), Retrieved from
Original Articles


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