Evaluation of the transport of atmospheric pollutants in Havana through the use of the HYSPLIT model

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Naomy Maipú Mena Izquierdo
Elieza Meneses Ruiz
Bárbara Liz Miravet Sánchez
Alina Roig Rassi


In Cuba there are no air quality monitoring networks. The objective of this study is to evaluate air pollution by particulate matter (PM) in Havana through the use of the HYSPLIT model. We used in situ measurements and satellite images of the Copernicus and Giovanni NASA platforms and they were compared with the different runs of the model to evaluate its effectiveness. The results obtained showed that although making measurements of particulate matter is always the first option, it can be affirmed that the use of models of transport and dispersion of pollutants, specifically the HYSPLIT model, are relevant for the estimation of atmospheric pollution by particulate matter in Havana.


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Mena IzquierdoN. M., Meneses RuizE., Miravet SánchezB. L., & Roig RassiA. (2024). Evaluation of the transport of atmospheric pollutants in Havana through the use of the HYSPLIT model. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 30(1), https://cu-id.com/2377/v30n1e02. Retrieved from http://rcm.insmet.cu/index.php/rcm/article/view/838
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