Modeling of coastal floods in the town of Caibarién for climate change scenary

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Laura Marrero Malvarez
Reinaldo C. Casals Taylor
Bárbara I. Garea Moreda


The present work has the purpose of simulating the coastal flooding generated by Hurricane Irma in Caibarién for the 2050 climate change scenary with a mean sea level rise of 29 cm and the 2100 scenary with a sea rise of 95 cm. For this, the coupled modeling of ADCIRC+SWAN was carried out in an unstructured computation grid that includes the coasts from Villa Clara to Camagüey and part of the Sabana – Camagüey archipelago. From this model run, the hydraulic curve of the flood was obtained, which presented a maximum of 1.97 m at 45 hours of running. The LISFLOOD-FP model was used to determine the extent of the coastal flooding in the city, which could be visualized using QGIS as a Geographic Information System. The modeling gave as a result that for the 2050 scenary, approximately 30 % of the city will be affected, while for the 2100 scenary, the affectation will be approximately 50 %. The area with the greatest vulnerability and risk turned out to be that where the city's boardwalk is located, as well as other buildings of economic and social importance.


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How to Cite
Marrero MalvarezL., Casals TaylorR. C., & Garea MoredaB. I. (2024). Modeling of coastal floods in the town of Caibarién for climate change scenary. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 30, Retrieved from
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