Climate change adaptation strategies in the colombian agricultural sector

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Laura Camila Bernal Sánchez


The current economic development of Colombia in the agricultural sector was analyzed, since it is one of the economic activities with the most problems and with high growth expectations. In addition, actions based on Research, Development and Innovation (R+D+i) were identified that must be implemented in the public and private sectors for the empowerment of the agricultural sector, so that it can have a greater impact in national and international markets. The methodology used was descriptive and was developed based on statistical, environmental, social and economic data that can be inferred about the actors analyzed. On the other hand, the impacts generated by climatic phenomena and the deficit in the development of the country's road infrastructure were described, which in turn causes an increase in production costs, resulting in an increase in imports and dependence on food from other countries. Finally, the public policies of the agricultural sector aimed at the growth of the sector and the mitigation of its problems will be identified, and it will be analyzed how these policies, supported by strategic planning, can be more efficient.


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Bernal Sánchez L. C. (2023). Climate change adaptation strategies in the colombian agricultural sector. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 29(3), Retrieved from
Original Articles


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