Climatic characterization of the San Juan River Hydrographic Basin area

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Yindra Salmon Cuspinera
Elba Concepcion Isaac
Lisandra Zapata Despaigne
Virginia Vinajera Suarez
Yisel Rojas Serrano


The San Juan River Hydrographic Basin has been declared of municipal interest and is identified by the development of a strong economic and social activity and as the second source of water supply for the city of Santiago de Cuba. The climate plays a fundamental role for the economic and social development of the country. The objective of this research is to climatically characterize the area of ​​the San Juan River Hydrographic Basin. The main parameters that define the regional climate (temperatures and rainfall) were obtained from the information from the Universidad de Oriente Station from 1981-2016. The analyzes show that the climate in the areas of the basin behaves with warm temperatures: between 30 and 34 ºC and minimum between 20-25 ºC, with periods of low rainfall. The information generated constitutes a tool for the different actors since it will allow the management of the basin and the taking of adaptation and mitigation measures, which will enable its environmental sustainability.


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Salmon CuspineraY., Concepcion Isaac E., Zapata DespaigneL., Vinajera Suarez V., & Rojas Serrano Y. (2023). Climatic characterization of the San Juan River Hydrographic Basin area. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 29(1). Retrieved from
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