Impact of the ENOS event on potato (Solanum Tuberosum) production in Güira de Melena

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Nelkis Alvarez Capote
Obel Báez Ravelo
Eduardo Pérez Valdés


In Cuba, potatoes are one of the agricultural products in greatest demand, with the municipality of Güira de Melena being the largest producer of the tuber nationwide. However, this crop is seriously sensitive to changes in temperature and precipitation; Therefore, it is necessary to study those climatic phenomena that negatively affect its performance, among which the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event stands out. That is why the main objective is to demonstrate the impact of the warm, cold and neutral phases of ENSO on potato yield in the municipality of Güira de Melena, during the campaigns between 2010 and 2018. To do this, the yields obtained were analyzed taking into consideration the different phases of the ENOS event through the behavior of the values ​​of maximum temperature (Tmax), minimum temperature (Tmin), average temperature (Tmed), thermal amplitude (AT), and night temperature (Tnoc), precipitation (RR) and relative humidity (Hr) that influence the development of the potato crop. The best planting date was proposed, placing a particular emphasis on the optimal range of average temperature that the crop requires for its development, verifying that the temperatures accumulated during the three phases of the crop were equitable in each of them, by the thermal integral method. It was determined that the best planting date for the municipality crop is the second decade of November. The campaigns under the influence of the warm and neutral phases of the ENOS event suffered a reduction in the total potato yields concerning the average of the study campaigns, obtaining the lowest outcomes during an extreme ENOS event; At the same time, in the years of AENOS, there was an increase in them. The variables that most influenced crop yields in the cold and warm phases of the ENOS event were the maximum, minimum, average temperature, night temperature and the thermal amplitude, while under the neutral phase of this event the extreme temperatures were not decisive


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Alvarez CapoteN., Báez RaveloO., & Pérez ValdésE. (2022). Impact of the ENOS event on potato (Solanum Tuberosum) production in Güira de Melena. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 29(1). Retrieved from
Original Articles


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