Behavior and influence of the Lightning during year 2020 in Havana

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Yunior Javier Gailes Sierra
Carlos Manuel González Ramírez


In the work, the behavior of the Lightning in the province of Havana is analyzed. The general objective was to develop a regionalization of the Lightning that occurred in this province during the year 2020. For its development, the criterion of the occurrence of discharges in 1km² was considered. The data was extracted from the Earth Networks Lightning receiving station, located in Casablanca. For the processing of the information, programming algorithms in C++ were used that allowed the processing of extracted data. The analysis allowed obtaining the density of Lightning per hour throughout the year and the density and intensity of discharges by municipalities. Among the main results, it was obtained that the behavior of the Lightning during the study period showed its greatest development in the hours between 16:00 and 20:00 UTC, with a notable decrease in activity in the hours from 21:00 to 22:00 UTC, and resuming activity due to late convection in the hours from 23:00 to 02:00 UTC. The highest density of discharges was observed towards the west, in the municipalities of Arroyo Naranjo, Boyeros, Cotorro, La Lisa and Playa, with values that were between 50 and 70 discharges per km². A notable decrease was observed in the south-southeast region that includes the municipalities of Habana del Este and Guanabacoa; however, it was in these municipalities that the greatest negative and positive intensity was observed, with amperages between 130,000 and 160,000.


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How to Cite
Gailes SierraY. J., & González RamírezC. M. (2022). Behavior and influence of the Lightning during year 2020 in Havana. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 28(4). Retrieved from
Original Articles


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