Aeronautical climatology of the international airport "Antonio Maceo" in the period 2017-2021

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Beatriz Valdés Díaz
Beatriz Valdés Díaz
Amanda Maria De Armas Echevarria
Amanda Maria De Armas Echevarria
Patricia Coll Hidalgo


The climatological characterization of the different meteorological variables constitutes a tool of great importance for aeronautical forecasters who understand their monthly average behavior. The objective of the research is to determine the climatological characteristics of the "Antonio Maceo" International Airport of Santiago de Cuba, in the period 2017-2021. The characterization was based on the concepts and graphs of descriptive statistics. The mean distribution in the period 2017-2021 of the variables was obtained and represented: total accumulated precipitation, horizontal visibility, cloud base height, cloud cover, wind direction and speed. Maximum accumulated precipitation, number of days in which it rained and reports of electrical storms were obtained in the months of May, September and October, months corresponding to the rainy period. The most significant cloud cover for aviation (BKN and OVC) was only present in 0.9% throughout the year, being more frequent in the months of April and May. The most frequent directions ranged from north-northwest to north-northeast and reached the maximum average speed in the east-southeast and southeast directions of 17 km/h.


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Valdés DíazB., Valdés DíazB., De Armas EchevarriaA. M., De Armas EchevarriaA. M., & Coll HidalgoP. (2022). Aeronautical climatology of the international airport "Antonio Maceo" in the period 2017-2021. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 28(2). Retrieved from
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