Anomaly of the El Niño Costero 2017 and its influence on the southern summer rainfall in Bolivia
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In the summer of 2017 appeared El Niño Costero, an atmospheric phenomenon which has influenced either in the absence of rainfalls or in floods in Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, and Bolivia causing the loss of human lifes and economic resources. The main issue was which atmospheric parameters have influence to get such absence and excess of rainfalls in different regions around Bolivia during El Niño Costero in 2017? To have a better understanding of the natural threats in South America it has been used a rainfall record, sea surface temperature maps, animations, images and a reanalysis of NCEP/NCAR for the last 30 years from 14 weather stations located in 5 different regions of Bolivia. The whole data and information has been verified applying measurements of descriptive statistics and qualitative comparisons. As a conclusion: The origin of El Niño Costero’s waters originated in the Chiriquí’s gulf (Panama) and in Coronado Bay (Costa Rica). Moreover, on January the subtropical Jet stream has contributed to the displacement of the SO of Bolivian’s high as a result there have not been any rainfalls for 26 days in the Andean region. On the other hand, in the eastern plains the maximum precipitation recorded 152,2 mm in 24 hours causing a large number of floods due to the intensification and interrelation of the high, medium and low level’s systems. Another reason to point out is the influence of the semi-permanents Pacific high and the Atlantic high have caused intense convective and frontal rainfalls.
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