Life task health actions to face the climate change in different contexts in the province of Granma

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A. Labrada Espinosa
L.A. Martínez Barreiro
P.E. Boza Torres


The global climate change is a challenging threat. The World Health Organization (WHO, refers that millions of people can be threatened by the presence of diseases with a high percent of mortality and morbidity. In Cuba, the government is running the “Life Task”. This work has as an objective to design actions on the health sphere from science, sanitary and environmental perspectives on a sustainable basis. An environmental vulnerability diagnosis was done in the municipalities that are exposed to the direct influence of climate change and the negative impact on the inhabitants’ health. Results of actions of short, mid and long terms with scientific, economical and sociocultural implications are evidenced. The execution of a Project, titled; “Climate change. Negative impact on health”, constitutes one of the actions that contribute to develop the culture for the correct role of the communities, in order to reduce the existing vulnerability to face the climate change. The conclusion of the study is based on the actions carried out by the Ministry of Public Health in the province of Granma. It is fostered from the university, that contribute to strengthen a system of monitoring, surveillance and early warning to guarantee the integral well-being of people in the biopsychosocial order, focusing on the relationship of culture, climate change and the environmental, social, healthy culture and in the function of prevention and promotion of epidemiological, clinical and environmental health.


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How to Cite
EspinosaA. L., Martínez BarreiroL., & Boza TorresP. (2022). Life task health actions to face the climate change in different contexts in the province of Granma. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 28(1). Retrieved from
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