Temperature and salinity in cuban waters, possible future evolution and implications

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Ida Mitrani Arenal
Oscar Onoe Díaz Rodríguez
Alejandro Vichot Llamo
Javier Cabrales Infante
Arnoldo Bezanilla Morlot
Axel Hidalgo Mayo


An assessment of the sea surface temperature and salinity increase on the sea waters around Cuba is presented. Projections from several global climate models, such as HadGEM2-AO, HadGEM2-ES, HadGEM2-CC and the CNRC under the CPR 4.5 forcing scenario, are used in this study. The identified changes on used global model -outputs are verified in comparison with oceanographical observations, corresponding to the period 1966-2000. The results show that the projected changes may have adverse implications for the coastal flooding regime and marine ecosystems in Cuban waters.


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Mitrani Arenal I., Díaz Rodríguez O. O., Vichot Llamo A., Cabrales Infante J., Bezanilla Morlot A., & Hidalgo MayoA. (2021). Temperature and salinity in cuban waters, possible future evolution and implications. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 27(4). Retrieved from http://rcm.insmet.cu/index.php/rcm/article/view/591
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