Estimation of biogenic emissions of volatile organic compounds and carbon monoxide in citrus plantations of Cuba
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The emissions of gases and particles produced by nature have been shaping the current atmosphere, which interact with anthropic emissions, affecting air quality and the climate. The objective of this study was to quantify biogenic emissions in biogenic citrus plantations that could interact with other components and play an important role in the atmosphere. It was possible to have the necessary information to apply the modeling to estimate biogenic emissions in the citrus plantations of Jagüey Grande and Ceiba. The GLoBEIS model was applied with data on the leaf area index and photosynthetically active radiation among other environmental variables, obtained mainly from the Jagüey Grande Base Scientific Technological Unit and from the Institute of Meteorology. Biogenic emissions corresponded almost entirely to emissions of Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds (99.1%). Emissions of total monoterpenes were 40.45% and other Biogenic Volatile Organic Compounds were 59.53%. The leaf area index has a fundamental weight on the emissions. Approximately 66.25% of biogenic emissions correspond to Jagüey Grande due to its larger cultivation area. The highest emissions of total monoterpenes and other volatile organic compounds corresponded to the periods of higher temperature in the months of July and August and the 1:00 p.m. hours due to the direct influence of this variable. In the case of nitrogen monoxide, emissions show a more homogeneous behavior during the course of the year with an increase from April with maximum values in July and August corresponding to the highest air and soil temperatures. The described methodology can be applied to other crops and plantations.
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