Spectral changes in some meteorological variables and it`s relationship with NAO and AO Index

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Manuel Alejandro Fernández Gutiérrez
Carlos Manuel González Ramírez
Pedro González Jardines


In this work the characteristics of the temperature, pressure and precipitation of the meteorological stations of Habana, Artemisa and Mayabeque region are analyzed in order to determine the relation between these variables and the teleconnection patterns North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and Artic Oscillation (AO). It was used the spectral analysis, and there were calculated the Pearson linear correlations between the teleconnection and the variables. There were compared the maps of geopotential height from the work region with the climatic standard in order to identify variations. It was determined that the pressure was the variable whose anomalies presented the strongest correlations with both NAO and AO indexes, mainly in the last decade of the study period in the rainy season of the year. It was also determined that the precipitation was de variable that presented more variability in the spectral analysis, primarily in the north coast, however the atmospheric pressure at mean sea level was the variable that showed the most significant changes in the spectrum, mostly in the last two decades, the main changes were observed for the low frequencies. These results are tightly related with a subtropical ridge expansion towards the west that was observed mainly in the low and medium levels of the troposphere.


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Fernández GutiérrezM. A., González RamírezC. M., & González JardinesP. (1). Spectral changes in some meteorological variables and it`s relationship with NAO and AO Index. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 27(2). Retrieved from http://rcm.insmet.cu/index.php/rcm/article/view/562
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