Case study in Havana bay using a coupling WRF/CALMET

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Roy Peña Cossío
Anel Hernández Garces
Adrian Luis Ferrer Hernández


CALMET meteorological model was evaluated during 2016 in a coastal domain in the Havana Bay. Several resolutions and different CALMET input data sets were used. The evaluation was focused in terms of model performance of wind and surface temperature issues. As input data, the WRF model results and meteorological measurements of Casablanca station were combined. WRF model surface speed and direction results have been significantly improved by CALMET model. Surface temperature statistics showed better results, since these are derived from spatial interpolations of the input data used. Significant improvement was also observed in wind speed and temperature for statistical values, when more stations as input data were provided


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Peña CossíoR., Hernández GarcesA., & Ferrer HernándezA. L. (2021). Case study in Havana bay using a coupling WRF/CALMET. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 27(2). Retrieved from
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