Estimation of atmospheric pollutant emissions at the "José Martí" International Airport.

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Kaili de la Caridad Pérez Tabares
Osvaldo A. Cuesta Santos
Idalys González Chacón
Yosdany González Jaime


The atmospheric pollution is one of the environmental problems with the greatest risk to health in the world; the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere has been exacerbated mainly by the development of industries, causing a deterioration in air quality worldwide. One of the main concerns of International Civil Aviation is the protection of the Environment, for this reason, airports find it necessary to register an inventory of emissions from air operations. This research focuses on estimating the emissions of atmospheric pollutants from the "José Martí" International Airport in the period 2017-2019. The emissions of the pollutants CO2, CO, NOX, HC, SO2 and total suspended particles (TSP) were obtained through the calculation of the take-off and landing cycles of all the aircraft, which operated during the study period, and the identification of their emission factors. Through the AERMOD Model System, the behavior of annual, daily and hourly concentrations was obtained to characterize the dispersion of pollutants and the areas most affected by emissions. The most relevant results showed that the substance that airplanes emit the most is CO2, while NO2 is the one that most times exceeds the maximum allowable concentration. The highest concentrations were found on the axis of the airport runway.


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Pérez TabaresK. de la C., Cuesta SantosO. A., González ChacónI., & González JaimeY. (1). Estimation of atmospheric pollutant emissions at the "José Martí" International Airport. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 27(1). Retrieved from
Original Articles


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