Simplified methodology for estimating environmental concentrations of PM10 from mobile sources. Case study: avenida simón bolívar

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Aliet Jiménez-Delgado
Elieza Meneses-Ruíz
Alina Roig-Rassi
Anel Hernández-Garcés


Air quality is one of the most important problems facing the countries of the world and one of the prioritized challenges to be solved by today's society. Cuba is no exception in this regard, assuming Havana as one of its most polluted cities due to the characteristics of the vehicle fleet, which is most responsible for the high concentrations of PM10 in the air. A simplified methodology is presented for the estimation of the environmental concentrations of PM10 from mobile sources and it is analyzed as case study the Simón Bolívar Avenue during the daytime (7:00 - 18:00) using the Gaussian model. The ability of the model to simulate with adequate precision was demonstrated by applying different statisticians. The emissions obtained, taking into account the vehicle flow and known emission factors, showed that the vehicles with the highest emissions were heavy vehicles that used the highest percentage of diesel fuel. The lighter vehicles, such as motorcycles, were the vehicles with the lowest emissions since, in addition to using gasoline, they presented little frequency in the study area compared to the other types of vehicles. The environmental concentrations of PM10 obtained from the Gaussian model, according to the statistics used, present a subtle tendency to overestimate real concentrations, but in general there are fewer differences between them.


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Jiménez-DelgadoA., Meneses-RuízE., Roig-RassiA., & Hernández-GarcésA. (1). Simplified methodology for estimating environmental concentrations of PM10 from mobile sources. Case study: avenida simón bolívar. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 26. Retrieved from
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