Stability behavior and the atmospheric mixing height layer in Santa Lucia

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Dagoberto Rodríguez-Valdés
Yosdany González-Jaime
Osvaldo Cuesta-Santos
Almara Sánchez-Díaz


The study was carried out in the community of Santa Lucia in the province of Pinar del Río, Cuba in the 2013-2017 period, where the behavior of the stability and average height of the atmospheric mixture layer was analyzed. To determine the atmospheric stability categories, the classification was applied according to the length of Monin-Obukhov. The method used to determine the average height of the atmospheric mixture layer, was based on the procedure established in the AERMET weather preprocessor, with some modifications made, because it did not have surveys of the upper atmosphere. The results show the behavior of the hourly and monthly variation of the stability and average height of the atmospheric mixture layer. It was determined that the best conditions for the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere occur in the summer months and in the daytime hours, mainly at 17 hours.


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Rodríguez-ValdésD., González-JaimeY., Cuesta-SantosO., & Sánchez-DíazA. (1). Stability behavior and the atmospheric mixing height layer in Santa Lucia. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 26. Retrieved from
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