Characterization of North Atlantic hurricanes that have affected the provinces of Artemisa, Havana and Mayabeque between 1791 and 2018

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GC. Marcelo-García
A. Rodríguez-Alayón


The provinces of Artemisa, Havana and Mayabeque are located in the region of the country of high frequency affected by hurricanes. It is necessary to be prepared to face their destructive impacts since they cause great natural disasters, loss of human lives and substantial material and economic resources. Therefore, this study is presented about the weather and characterization of hurricanes that have directly or indirectly affected these provinces.


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How to Cite
Marcelo-GarcíaG., & Rodríguez-AlayónA. (2020). Characterization of North Atlantic hurricanes that have affected the provinces of Artemisa, Havana and Mayabeque between 1791 and 2018. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 26(3). Retrieved from
Original Articles


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