Variability of synoptic situation´s types influencing on the western half of Cuba

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Luis B. Lecha-Estela
Luis Sánchez-Suárez
Yuslandis Verdecia-Naranjo
Edgardo Soler-Torres
Almara Sánchez-Díaz


The job is based on the classification and analysis of the types of synoptic situations influencing on the western half of Cuba in the course of the years 1971 to 2018. The subjective classification of synoptic situations proposed by Lapinel (1987) was applied. The analysis of weather types variability considered the multiannual, seasonal and day by day (inter-daily) characteristics, with the aim of knowing the possible presence of tendencies in the series, as well as the characteristics and frequency of their extreme values. Tendencies in the monthly anomalies of several types and subtypes of synoptic situations were identified, with regard to the mean behavior in the period 1971-2000. The seasonal variation of the main types and subtypes of synoptic situations also were analyzed, which allows indicating the adequate remark of some significant changes in the duration of climatic seasons during the year at the western region of Cuba. The influence of the meteorological processes in the local or impact scale was analyzed by means of the calculation of the inter-daily contrasts of the different types and subtypes, finding out that the more contrasting cases can exceed 10 % of the annual inter-daily variability of the weather types. This result explains the biotropic predisposition of contrasting weather changes to produce health impacts on the local population.


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How to Cite
Lecha-EstelaL. B., Sánchez-SuárezL., Verdecia-NaranjoY., Soler-TorresE., & Sánchez-DíazA. (2020). Variability of synoptic situation´s types influencing on the western half of Cuba. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 26(2). Retrieved from
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