Summary of the 2018-2019 winter season in the provinces of Artemis and Mayabeque

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Jorge Félix Hernández Capote
Carlos Manuel González Ramírez
Pedro González Cortínas


In the research an analysis of the winter season 2018-2019 is made, emphasizing the monthly distribution of the cold fronts, intensity and the occurrence of severe weather, in addition the most significant synoptic situations were identified during the period and an analysis was carried out. particular to the extratropical losses of the month of December and January, where the wide circulation of these systems affected both territories. To carry out the investigation, the summaries of the passage of the cold fronts, observations and graphs of the meteorological stations were used. After analyzing the available information, it was found that 17 cold fronts entered the province, a value that is close to the average of 19 fronts (González, 1999), the month with the highest frequency was January with 5 fronts, and the most significant synoptic situations occurred on December 20 and January 27, where strong winds, coastal floods on the southern coast of the provinces and heavy rains were reported.


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How to Cite
Hernández CapoteJ. F., González RamírezC. M., & González CortínasP. (2020). Summary of the 2018-2019 winter season in the provinces of Artemis and Mayabeque. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 26(1). Retrieved from
Weather and Climate


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González, P. C. 1999. “Climatología de los frentes fríos que han afectado a Cuba desde 1916-1971 hasta 1996-1997”. Revista Cubana de Meteorología , 6(1): 17-22, ISSN: 0864-151X.
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