Estimation of secondary meteorological parameters in CUJAE’s zone using data mining techniques

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Gil Cruz Lemus
Rosabel Zerquera Díaz
Ayleen Morales Montejo
Alejandro Rosete Suárez


This work develops a process of knowledge discovery in databases for the group of Environmental Research at the Higher Polytechnic Institute José Antonio Echeverría in collaboration with the Center of Information Management and Energy Development (Cubaenergía) in order to obtain a data model to estimate the behavior of secondary weather parameters from surface data. There are described some aspects of data mining and its application in the meteorological environment, also there are selected and described the CRISP-DM methodology and data analysis tool WEKA. Tasks used: attribute selection and regression, technique: neural network of multilayer perceptron type and algorithms: CfsSubsetEval, Best-First and MultilayerPerceptron. Estimation models are obtained for secondary meteorological parameters: height of convective mixed layer, height of mechanical mixed layer, friction velocity, surface heat flux and convective velocity scale, necessaries for the study of patterns of dispersion of pollutants in CUJAE’s zone. The results set a precedent for future research and for the continuity of this.


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How to Cite
Cruz LemusG., Zerquera DíazR., Morales MontejoA., & Rosete SuárezA. (2012). Estimation of secondary meteorological parameters in CUJAE’s zone using data mining techniques. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 18(1), 46-56. Retrieved from
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