A numerical prediction system combining ocean, waves and atmosphere models in the Inter-American Seas and Cuba

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Alexis Pérez-Bello
Ida Mitrani-Arenal
Oscar O. Díaz-Rodríguez
Cecilie Wettre
Lars Robert Hole


The feasibility of an operational near-real-time forecasting system to simulate the ocean-atmosphere behaviour for the Inter-American Seas and Cuba is presented. The modelling system includes the combination of the WRF atmospheric model, the Wavewatch III and SWAN wave models and the ROMS hydrodynamic model. The main atmospheric and oceanic variables are predicted twice per day for up to 72 hours. WRF initial and boundary conditions are supplied by the GFS global atmospheric model outputs with a resolution of 1/2 degree. Ocean boundary conditions are derived from the HYCOM global ocean model outputs with 1/12 degrees of spatial resolution and the tidal data used is obtained from the Oregon State University global model of oceanic tides TPXO7. Results from WRF were used as atmospheric forcing to run the wave and ocean models. To validate the forecast results, real-time monitoring data from NDBC (National Data Buoy Center) and Cuban weather stations for 2013 were used. Results show a reasonably good performance of the system developed. This operational modelling system was originally developed for the National Meteorological Service but it also provides forecasts for public services.


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Pérez-BelloA., Mitrani-ArenalI., Díaz-RodríguezO. O., WettreC., & HoleL. R. (2019). A numerical prediction system combining ocean, waves and atmosphere models in the Inter-American Seas and Cuba. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 25(1), 109-120. Retrieved from http://rcm.insmet.cu/index.php/rcm/article/view/459
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