Mountain waves in zones of the Sierra de la Gran Piedra, Cuba

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Celia Margarita Álvarez-Suau
Yordan Gallardo-Avilés


A preliminary study of internal gravity waves (mountain) focused on the Sierra Gran Piedra, specifically on the hill of La Africana, where a diagnosis of the wind field was made in complex orography interpolated consonants of the atmosphere and data from the Archives of the Laboratory of Air Resources (ARL, acronym in English). These surveys were analyzed with the Integral System for the Analysis of Aerological Surveys (SIASA). Knowing the presence of this meteorological phenomenon is very useful for the development of activities of great socioeconomic interest in mountainous areas, such as tourism, sports, air traffic and planting seeding of orographic clouds. Therefore, the necessary conditions for the formation of the waves and their effects were investigated, among them, the atmospheric turbulence, third cause of meteorological accidents and the influence exerted by this meteorological phenomenon in the distribution of the precipitations. The presence of mountain waves in the study region was detected by means of a high resolution numerical model, which includes the effects caused by the complexity of the terrain, the Froude number and the Duct Factor, internationally used indicators. The results showed wave activity through the numerical simulations and the SIASA with the number of Froude around one and positive values of the Duct Factor favorable for wave propagation.


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How to Cite
Álvarez-SuauC. M., & Gallardo-AvilésY. (2019). Mountain waves in zones of the Sierra de la Gran Piedra, Cuba. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 25(1), 10-37. Retrieved from
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