Climatic change and dermatology disease

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Mirtha Reinosa-Valladares
Karla de la Caridad Betancourt-Reinosa
Luis René Figueredo-Hernández
Lídice Vásquez-Sánchez
Yan Carlos Ordoñez-Sánchez
Janet Canciano-Fernández


The Third Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change states that, according to projections, climate change will increase the dangers for human health, especially in the lower-income populations of tropical and subtropical countries, whose consequences will depend to a great extent of multiple socioeconomic and environmental factors. Global warming directly or indirectly also has repercussions on the skin. The objective of this work is to describe the current and future effects that climate change could have on dermatological diseases. As a result, dermatological diseases and environmental changes occur. The reactions of the skin to sun exposure are classified, classified into early and late. Among the early ones are: erythema and sun tanning, thickening of the skin layers, immune reactions. The late ones are related to cutaneous photoaging and photocarcinogenesis. The three types of skin cancer associated with excessive exposure to UV radiation are squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, and melanoma. A remarkable increase in the incidence of these types of skin cancers is estimated, according to projections of global warming of the planet by the end of this century. In Cuba, seven or eight thousand new patients each year are reported for pathologies such as basal cell carcinoma, cell hawthorn carcinoma and melanoma. Precautions and advice are mentioned before the sun exposure in which the photoprotection stands out.


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Reinosa-ValladaresM., Betancourt-ReinosaK. de la C., Figueredo-HernándezL. R., Vásquez-SánchezL., Ordoñez-SánchezY. C., & Canciano-FernándezJ. (2018). Climatic change and dermatology disease. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 24. Retrieved from
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