Inventory of emissions of fixed and mobile sources, municipality Ranchuelo, county Villa Clara, Cuba

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Vladimir Núñez-Caraballo
Guillermo Saura-González
Rosabel Rodríguez-Rojas
Meilyn Otero-Martín
Amaury Machado-Montes de Oca
Marisela Purón-Arbolaez
Inocencio Martínez-Pérez
Luis E. Pérez-Borroto
Osvaldo Cuesta-Santos
Idalberto Herrera-Moya
Mayra C. Morales-Pérez
Julio Pedraza-Gárciga
Daniellys Alejo-Sánchez


This investigation shows the inventory of atmospheric emissions of the 38 fixed sources and the self-driven flow for the main road, in the municipality of Ranchuelo, county of Villa Clara, in the year 2017. The general objective went to quantify the emissions to the atmosphere taken place by these sources. The studied primary pollutants were, the Dioxide of Sulfur (SO2), Oxides of Nitrogen (NOX), and Monoxide of Carbon (CO). The calculation method was used based on the emission factor to determine the rate of the pollutants of both sources. The main results were, to modernize the inventory of emissions of the fixed sources of those which, 84% is well located and they emit 2% of the total, 11% is partially well located and they emit 72% and lastly 5% is not well located and they emit 14%. The mobile sources emitted 12% of the total. The area with deterioration of the quality of the air influenced by these emissions corresponds partially well to the aledañas to the fixed sources located and not well located, besides around the main road for where the self-driven transport circulates. The emission of the NOx was of 56,24 t/año, representing 67% of the total, in second place the SO2 with 14,94 t that constitutes 18% and lastly the CO with 12,49 t that reaches 15%. These results facilitate the proposals of actions to reduce emissions, the bases were also created for the modulation of the dispersion of the pollutants and its evaluation.


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Núñez-CaraballoV., Saura-GonzálezG., Rodríguez-RojasR., Otero-MartínM., Machado-Montes de OcaA., Purón-ArbolaezM., Martínez-PérezI., Pérez-BorrotoL. E., Cuesta-SantosO., Herrera-MoyaI., Morales-PérezM. C., Pedraza-GárcigaJ., & Alejo-SánchezD. (2018). Inventory of emissions of fixed and mobile sources, municipality Ranchuelo, county Villa Clara, Cuba. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 24, 356-364. Retrieved from
Original Articles


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