Prediction of the occurrence of descending microcurrents at the José Martí Airport using a meteorological radar

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Reynaldo Luis Rodríguez-Arias


The low level wind shear has been the cause of many aviation incidents and accidents. This work focused in the development of a nowcasting method for occurrence of low level wind shear produced by microbursts in the Havana’s International Airport “José Martí”. Using Vesta Process software for the analysis of Casablanca’s radar images, as well as three anemometers installed in the airport, it was identified patterns of radioechoes associated with microbursts which produced wind gusts higher than 30 knots. For that, it was analyzed the meteorological radar images considering echoes intensity in dBZ, the reached height and the morphology of them, as well as the proximity to the airport and the movement of the cumulonimbo clouds that could represent hazard for it and the air traffic operations. It was established a procedure to emite microbursts alerts and alarms for the airport


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How to Cite
Rodríguez-AriasR. L. (2018). Prediction of the occurrence of descending microcurrents at the José Martí Airport using a meteorological radar. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 24(3), 290-303. Retrieved from
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