Inventory of atmospheric emissions of the main Holguin fixed sources-Cuba, 2016

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Yoell Marrero-Díaz
Osvaldo Cuesta-Santos
Miguel Suáre-Benítez


The high emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere are the cause of many environmental problems today, from the local level, to the global scale. The province of Holguín is not immune to this situation, which is why it is essential to quantify the emissions produced by the main fixed sources, which is the objective of the research taking 2016 as the year of study. The primary pollutants evaluated were: Dioxide of Sulfur (SO2), Nitrogen Oxides (NOX), Carbon Monoxide (CO) and particulate material less than 10 and 2.5 microns (PM10 and PM2.5). The calculation method based on the emission factor was used to determine the amount of tons of these pollutants emitted into the atmosphere. As fundamental results, the inventory of emissions from 71 fixed sources and the identification of areas with a marked influence on air pollution was obtained, with the municipalities of Moa and Mayarí most influencing this problem. The emission of SO2 is around 109 thousand tons per year, which represents 78% of the primary pollutants. The NOX with an emission of almost 12 thousand tons is the second in quantity with 8% of the total. The PM10 represents 5% of the emissions, with more than 6 thousand tons. These results allow laying the foundations for future research related to the modeling of the dispersion of these pollutants. In addition, the emissions inventory is a reference for a management aimed at minimizing the risks associated with air pollution in the province of Holguin


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How to Cite
Marrero-DíazY., Cuesta-SantosO., & Suáre-BenítezM. (2018). Inventory of atmospheric emissions of the main Holguin fixed sources-Cuba, 2016. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 24(3), 268-277. Retrieved from
Original Articles


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