Affectation by severe events in the shore area of the municipality Banes

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Ida Mitrani Arenal
Axel Hidalgo Mayo
Nilo Hernández Orozco
Beatriz Martínez Pérez
Cecilia Álvarez Seco


 It is presented an analysis of the occurrence of severe weather events in the Banes Municipality, located on the Northeastern region of Cuba, at the Holguin Pro­vince. A significant volume of information from the National Hurricane Center (NHC) for the period (1960- 2015) and the Institute of Meteorology for late xix cen­tury was processed. Five analogue hurricanes were found from 1856 to 2015 (159 years), that followed the most dangerous track over or near the studied area, of which at least two reached Category 4. There were not found evidences of coastal flooding occurrence on the studied area, which it is attributed to two main factors: a) The physical-geographical configuration of the area, characterized by the existence of cliffs and high coasts several meters above the sea level, which creates unfavorable conditions for the coastal flooding occurrence, b) It is not frequent the passing of intense hurricanes through the study area, despite the proxi­mity of so-called the Bermuda warm pool, where the thermohaline structure conditions and the formation on initial disturbances are favorable to the cyclogene­sis and intensification of tropical cyclones. The study results are very useful to elaborate the contingency and environment management action plans at the Banes municipality coastal zone.


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How to Cite
Mitrani ArenalI., Hidalgo MayoA., Hernández OrozcoN., Martínez PérezB., & Álvarez SecoC. (2018). Affectation by severe events in the shore area of the municipality Banes. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 21(2), 70-82. Retrieved from
Original Articles
Author Biographies

Ida Mitrani Arenal, Instituto de Meteorología

Dra., Centro de Física de la Atmósfera

Axel Hidalgo Mayo, Instituto de Meteorología

MSc., Centro de Meteorología de Holguín

Nilo Hernández Orozco, Instituto de Meteorología

MSc., Centro de Meteorología Marina/

Beatriz Martínez Pérez, Instituto de Meteorología

Lic., Centro Meteorológico Provincial de Camagüey

Cecilia Álvarez Seco, Instituto de Meteorología

Lic., Centro de Meteorología de Holguín


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