The Arctic Oscillation and Temperatures in western Cuba

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Yiganis Cedeño Rojas


In this paper are analyzed the anomalies that produce
the phases of the Arctic Oscillation (AO, for its
initials in English) on the behavior of the minimum
and maximum temperatures in western region of
Cuba during the winter season in the period 1980-
2011. Also, the relationship between the reports of
notably low temperatures and the phases of the AO
is identified. The databases from Climate Center and
Forecast Center of the Institute of Meteorology of
Cuba were used for obtaining the meteorological series
and the databases of the Climate Prediction Center
of the United States were used for obtaining the
index of the Arctic Oscillation. It was also used the
Pearson’s correlation coefficient. The carried out study
allowed to reveal that during the positive phase
of the AO, the minimum and maximum temperature
are higher than the climatological value of the period,
while during the negative phase they are lower.
Also, during the negative phase of the AO, the winter
seasons register remarkable descents of temperature.


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How to Cite
Cedeño RojasY. (2018). The Arctic Oscillation and Temperatures in western Cuba. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 21(2), 29-42. Retrieved from
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