Climatología de las Tormentas Locales Severas en Cuba en el período 1987 – 2002. Resultados de la modelación de un caso de estudio

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Gisell Aguilar Oro
Mario Carnesoltas Calvo
Carlos Fernández Balseiro
Lino Naranjo Díaz


A brief description of the climatological behavior of Severe Local Storms (SLS) in Cuba from 1987 to 2002 is exposed in this paper. The results are part of the project «Favorable conditions for occurrence of severe local storms in Cuba: a schema for their forecast». One of the objectives of the project is to update the chronology that up to 1986 was elaborated by Alfonso (1994).This are preliminary results about tornadoes, marine whirlwinds, hailstorm and downbursts in Cuba, of vital importance because of their socioeconomic impact and because the extremely difficulty of forecasting their occurrence with enough anticipation in most of the cases. A fact that in large extent results from the current low level of knowledge that exists in Cuba about the SLS,the low density of the network of meteorological stations, mainly at the sea, and the speed of development of these phenomena.. Because of this, find solutions for their forecast had become a necessity of the Cuban meteorological service, and this is the reason that in the papers are presented preliminary results, obtained for a case study employing the ARPS model for the SLS forecast.


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How to Cite
Aguilar OroG., Carnesoltas CalvoM., Fernández BalseiroC., & Naranjo DíazL. (2018). Climatología de las Tormentas Locales Severas en Cuba en el período 1987 – 2002. Resultados de la modelación de un caso de estudio. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 12(1), 3. Retrieved from
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