Management of air pollution in an industrial municipality. Case study: Mariel

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Carlos Sosa-Pérez


At present there is great concern about the state of air quality worldwide, which has led to multiple studies to learn the mechanisms involved in such a complex process. The industrialized cities have a negative influence on the population that inhabits them and on the adjacent ecosystems. The relationship between pollutant sources and their impacts on humans and the environment was the main basis for conducting this research. This work has as its fundamental objective to develop a plan of actions to mitigate the effects of air pollution in the industrial municipality, Mariel. Three main industrial sources were identified and their emission volumes were determined. An analysis of the spatial distribution of air pollutants was carried out, with the SO2, NOx and PM10 contaminants having the highest concentrations. The mean monthly concentrations of pollutants PM10 and PM2.5 were correlated with the number of cases treated monthly for Acute Respiratory Infections and Bronchial Asthma, and an initial estimate of the costs associated with bronchial asthma in the municipality was performed. It is intended, with these results, to provide municipal political, business and health authorities with a tool to manage air pollution in the municipality in question.


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How to Cite
Sosa-PérezC. (2018). Management of air pollution in an industrial municipality. Case study: Mariel. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 24(1), 75-94. Retrieved from
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