Impacts of a climate fluctuation over rice, maize and soybean on Camagüey – Sancti Spiritus region

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Roger E. Rivero-Vega
Zoltan I. Rivero-Jaspe
Roger R. Rivero-Jaspe


A low intensity nuclear conflict between two emergent nuclear powers as India and Pakistan could lead to the stratospheric injection of 5 TG of carbon aerosols generating a planetary climate fluctuation. Daily databases of maximum and minimum temperature, global solar radiation and precipitation corresponding to meteorological stations in the region Sancti Spiritus – Camagüey were combined with monthly anomalies simulated by the GISS Model E creating climate scenarios used as data input for the WOFOST 7.1.2 biophysical model during the ten years period affected by the fluctuation. Results showed a decrease in rate of phenological processes leading to an increase in the length of crops phenological stages such as the vegetative stage and total duration to field maturity. This process combined with cooler and wetter climate conditions lead to an increase in potential and rainfed yields for all planting dates which are more relevant during the first five years after the nuclear conflict.


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Rivero-VegaR. E., Rivero-JaspeZ. I., & Rivero-JaspeR. R. (2018). Impacts of a climate fluctuation over rice, maize and soybean on Camagüey – Sancti Spiritus region. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 24(1), 44-60. Retrieved from
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