Potential of mitigation of carbon dioxide in the consumption of electricity of the residential sector in Cuba

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Ernesto R. Carrillo Vitale
José Somoza Cabrera
Dagne Boudet Rouco


Even with measures to reduce emissions and strengthen political will at the international level, global CO2 concentrations break record every year, reaching 400 ppm in 2014. Although global national emissions are not representative (0.1% of all global GHG emissions), we must adopt mitigation commitments in order to honor the new "Paris Agreement", which will come into effect from 2020 The objective of this research is to determine the efficiency in the use of electricity by province and the potential of energy saving and mitigation of carbon dioxide emissions resulting from the improvement of electricity efficiency for the Cuban residential sector. This study presents scientific value because it estimates the efficiency by provinces to determine the mitigation potential of GHG emissions, which are very convenient and timely information to determine the participation of the sector in the efforts to reduce emissions resulting from future commitments that Political authorities of the country will be forced to honor. In addition, the impacts of climate change on the demand for electricity in the residential sector will be determined. The results obtained allow us to accept the hypothesis that the use of stochastic frontier models for the estimation of electricity use efficiency in the Cuban residential sector, is a more robust procedure to obtain electricity saving and mitigation potentials of associated carbon dioxide emissions.


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How to Cite
VitaleE. R. C., CabreraJ. S., & RoucoD. B. (2017). Potential of mitigation of carbon dioxide in the consumption of electricity of the residential sector in Cuba. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 23(3), 341-348. Retrieved from http://rcm.insmet.cu/index.php/rcm/article/view/249


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