A normalization of the Available Potential Energy for the Convection

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Mario Carnesoltas Calvo


The CAPE – CIN set is a quite useful variable to know the available potential energy for convection at a given place and time. However, as its determination is based on an area between the curves of the ascending particle temperature and the environmental temperature, there is always a risk of obtaining equal areas for different vertical distributions of both curves.  One solution is the normalization of the set value, taking into account the mean height of the considered area and the depth of the so called convective layer, without having to modify its energy units. Therefore the use of HCAPE – HCIN (normalized set) is proposed for the comparison, for instance, with the corresponding energy of descendent streams.


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CalvoM. C. (2017). A normalization of the Available Potential Energy for the Convection. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 23(2), 226-231. Retrieved from http://rcm.insmet.cu/index.php/rcm/article/view/242


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