Climatic Extremes Index in the Isla de la Juventud

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Idelmis T. González García
Sinai Barcia Sardiñas
Dunia Hernández González


The present article aims to analyze the behavior of some indicators of climatic extremes in Isla de la Juventud, Cuba during the period 1980-2015. The daily series of maximum temperatures, minimum temperature and precipitation were used, extracted from the database of the Climate Center of the Institute of Meteorology; As well as the daily precipitation series of the pluviometric network of the National Institute of Hydraulic Resources. The Rclimdex-extraQc software was used to obtain the indicators. The statistical analysis of trend and change point of the monthly series was performed with no parametric statistic. The study revealed an increase in extreme values of minimum  temperature  and  episodes  of  several  consecutive  days  with  extremes  of maximum temperatures. The indicators derived of the precipitation showed great variability and non- significant statistically results. However, total precipitation increased dueto events of several consecutive days with precipitation and to extreme events that contributed accumulated above the 95th percentile of the norm.


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How to Cite
GarcíaI. T. G., SardiñasS. B., & GonzálezD. H. (2017). Climatic Extremes Index in the Isla de la Juventud. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 23(2), 217-225. Retrieved from
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