Chronology of coastal floods in the province of Ciego de Ávila. Period 1960-2017

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Orlando L. Córdova-García
Miriela García-García
Aliana López-Mayea


The chronology and classification of coastal floods for the province of Ciego de Ávila is presented, taking into account the meteorological phenomena that generate them. As sources of information, surveys of coastal area residents, press reports and PVR studies were used, as well as the archives of the Institute of Meteorology, the National Hurricane Center in Miami and the NCEP / NCAR reanalyses (National Centers for Environmental Prediction / National Center for Atmospheric Research) of the NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmosphere Administration). It is concluded that coastal floods in Ciego de Ávila are the result of the impact of hurricanes and moderate or strong cold fronts, the most affected areas are the town of Júcaro located on the south coast and the northern coast of the towns of Cunagua, Turiguanó, Punta Alegre and Coco and Guillermo Cays. The criterion for classifying the magnitude of these events will contribute to a greater perception of the danger due to these dangerous meteorological phenomena on the part of the population. The use of the results in the prediction of these events is encouraged, as well as in the elaboration of contingency plans and coastal management actions by the decision-making authorities.


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Córdova-GarcíaO. L., García-GarcíaM., & López-MayeaA. (2018). Chronology of coastal floods in the province of Ciego de Ávila. Period 1960-2017. Revista Cubana De Meteorología, 24(2), 136-145. Retrieved from
Original Articles


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